
HiSupportIhaveanBrowserFramethatdisplaysaBIDashboard.Iwouldliketouseiframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(key:val,key2:val,.,2018年12月12日—TheissueisreproducibleinVaadin7.7.15andVaadin8.5.2Reproductionsteps:CreateanewVaadinappwithvaadin-archetype-application ...,2022年5月5日—ThisrepositoryhasbeenarchivedbytheowneronMay5,2022.Itisnowread-only.vaadin/book-examplesPublicarchive.,Return...

Post message via javascript to browserframe

Hi Support I have an BrowserFrame that displays a BI Dashboard. I would like to use iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(key: val, key2: val, .

BrowserFrame with Resource in a Window issues ...

2018年12月12日 — The issue is reproducible in Vaadin 7.7.15 and Vaadin 8.5.2 Reproduction steps: Create a new Vaadin app with vaadin-archetype-application ...

2022年5月5日 — This repository has been archived by the owner on May 5, 2022. It is now read-only. vaadin / book-examples Public archive.

BrowserFrame (vaadin

Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of ...

BrowserFrame (vaadin

Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of ...

Vaadin BrowserFrame not working

2017年1月8日 — Vaadin BrowserFrame not working ... I am simply trying to load Google web page using Vaadin's BrowserFrame component and it's not working. I can ...

BrowserFrame vs Label when it comes to URI Fragments

I recently started creating my first Vaadin application, and it includes a file browser so users can look through different corporate reports generated by ...

Embedded Resources | Server

The BrowserFrame allows embedding web content inside an HTML <iframe> element. You can refer to an external URL with ExternalResource. As the BrowserFrame has ...

BrowserFrame (vaadin

Class BrowserFrame ... A component displaying an embedded web page. Implemented as a HTML iframe element. Since: 7.0 ...

com.vaadin.ui.BrowserFrame java code examples

A component displaying an embedded web page. Implemented as a HTML iframe element. Most used methods. < ...